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Transparent Pricing

Producers set the price and receive 75%. The price includes a 23% handling and a 2% bank fee.

The bigger picture

The contemporary food supply chain in Sweden and most of EU is a rather scary reality, where the industry receives most of the price people pay. We should also not forget about the environmental impact and time it takes to deliver the goods.

Producer Income (% of total paid)

Industry & Services (% of total paid)

VAT (12%)

Environmental Impact (approximation)

Time Effort (approximation)

Contemporary Retail

Imported Food

When the food is imported, roughly 10% goes to the producers. Food travels thousands of kilometres and in some cases even the state receives more than producers.

Produced in Sweden

When the food is produced in Sweden, 11-44% of the money spent, goes to the producer. With existing supply chains, food often travels back and forth between numerous locations.

Collective Systems


While REKO is the most direct trade method, it still involves transportation costs and a lot of time to handle individual orders. Trips may not be very efficient, given that each producer travels on their own.


While SLO receives a share of the net revenue, the distance traveled is reduced by consolidating collective orders.

Price Calculator

Price Calculator


  • PRODUCER (0)

    – Prepare raw goods for pickup

    – Individual sorting
    – Packaging materials
    – Store administration
    – Customer service
    – Door Delivery


  • SLO Delivery (0)

    – Individual sorting
    – Packaging materials
    – Store administration
    – Customer service
    – Door Delivery


  • BANKS (0)*

    * Payment providers take a 1.6% + 1.85 kr fee on every order.


  • Subtotal

    Pickup Price

    excl. VAT


  • VAT (12%)


  • Total

    Pickup Price
