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Why on Earth?

Small-scale farms tend to promote biodiversity through practices such as crop rotation, mixed cropping, and the maintenance of traditional varieties. Their decline can contribute to the loss of agricultural biodiversity, which is essential for ecosystem resilience and the long-term sustainability of food production systems. SLO's mission is to make biodiverse produce accessible to more people through unique routes, transparent pricing and great customer experience. We have a lot to learn, but gotta start somewhere.

Efficient Routes

We are designing time and energy-efficient delivery routes, making sure your food stays fresh and that it doesn’t cost too much for the planet and your pocket.

Locally Sourced

If it can grow locally that is how it should be sourced. This means eating in season. The only items we deliver from far away are foods which do not grow or otherwise can not be produced in the area.

Minimal Packaging

We use the least materials possible to transport your food and wrap products only if necessary.

Open Door Policy

All producers occasionally offer you to visit the farm on selected days to connect.

Organic Honesty

While we stand for organic certification, we also want to assist those on the right path. Certification is a process and not all genuine farmers are certified yet.

Preservation Matters

One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, and a significant part of this happens in the kitchen.

Transparent Pricing

Producers set the price and receive 75%. The price includes a 23% handling and a 2% bank fee.


Every 8h a farm in Sweden goes out of business.

– Pim Bendt, Naturskyddsföreningen

In Sweden, the local farmer gets 23% of what the customer pays. When food is imported 10% goes to the producer.

– Matkronan

Sweden is among the leaders in the EU, with only 20% of the area using organic practices.

– Eurostat

Behind the scenes

Yannick Porter

Producer Relations


I have a deep love for fresh, high quality produce. After years of working at the community garden Under Tallarna in Järna, I miss being part of the food scene on a daily basis. Being involved with SLO and supporting food producers helps me stay connected to this passion.

I'm on a mission to help people take meaningful steps toward a sustainable future. For the past decade, I've co-led large-scale projects, capacity-building programs, and strategic change processes, bringing together participants from across the globe. In my day job at Fryshuset, I support climate activists around the world.

Vitali Poluzhnikov



While traveling around the Swedish countryside during parental leave, I realised how many incredible small-scale producers are out there, growing the best food in the country, yet struggling to stay afloat. While food is accessible thanks to innovation, access to naturally-grown food is still a privilege for the very few. Everything that SLO is about developed into a really heartwarming, but also really tough problem I wanted to solve with likeminded people around the world.

I grew up between Northern Caucasus in Russia and California, spent my early 20's in Montreal and I've lived in Stockholm and a bit of Malmö/CPH since. I'm a "fake Swede", who lived in Sweden for more than 11 years and still got away with English.

Sean Alexander-Cloud



I'm an accountant and musician with over a decade of experience in accounting and finance. Food is one of my great interests besides music and I have been involved in a non-profit working for systemic change in the food sector the past few years.

I grew up in Stockholm and moved to Berlin after I finished my studies.

Advisors and friends

Huge thanks to all the people helping us shape the concept from the ground up.

Simone Grind, Ossian Tidblom, Mitsuko Sato, Naleye Junior, Viktor Agaton, Vasily Sitnikov, Elena Malakhatka, Frida Thörn, Auste Skrupskyte, Olga Grönvall Lund, Marcus Lindström, Marqus Östin, Valentín Checa, Shane Schneck, Ebba Zingmark, Ilya Yudanav, Alice Wallenius, Ardavan Sahebkar, Magnus Cullbrand, Liridona Sopjani, Joel Lundblad, Alexander Collin.